Luis Siquina’s story – Day 5

Luis Siquina’s story – Day 5


The Siquina family brought their son, Luis, for a surgery from Alamonga, a beautiful, mountainous region of Guatemala, about an hour and a half ride to the hospital. Father works as a truck driver, and mother, alongside with other women, grows vegetables for sale.

Luis was born with a cleft lip and a palate. His mother cried every day for almost a year. She has never seen or heard of cleft and at first thought her son was the only one who has ever been born that way. Later she realized that there was a surgery to fix cleft, but that they would never be able to afford it.

Yesterday, at the age of almost three, he had his third surgery, last one he will need. You did not have to speak Spanish to understand their gratitude, you could see it on their faces. They invited Walter, mission videographer to go home with them from the hospital. Both parents, grandmothers and an aunt where eager to get in front of his camera to say thank you to the “Gringos” that made this possible and to send the team their blessings.