Take Action for Cleft Awareness Month

Take Action for Cleft Awareness Month

July is Cleft Awareness Month and you can help raise awareness and funds to help children with cleft around the world!

Help inform others about the harmful impact cleft conditions can have in children’s lives – physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially – and how everyone can take action right now to help ensure theses amazing kids have access to quick, free, life-changing surgeries with Alliance for Smiles.

During the month of July, AfS is asking everyone to take any/all of the following actions that feel right to them:

  • 1) Share some of AfS’ most powerful transformation posts & stories with their networks. Download & share the posts below & any others that speak to you on our social media channels throughout July; you can copy/paste this text to accompany your posts, if you like: 
    • July is Cleft Awareness Month! Join me in raising awareness about cleft conditions and check out allianceforsmiles.org to learn what you can do to help!
      #cleftawarenessmonth, #cleft, #cleftstrong, #cleftlipandpalate, #allianceforsmiles, #moresmilesplease #dogood #changelives
  • 2) Record & share a 30-90 second video about why this issue matters to you & how others can help change the lives of children with cleft conditions with Alliance for Smiles
  • 3) Host an online or in-person mini-fundraiser to help fund AfS’ first post-COVID missions. In the past, friends of AfS have Facebook-type fundraisers OR “Dining for Smiles” nights, where everyone contributes a “ticket cost”, has a lovely meal together (whether hosted in a home or restaurant), learns a bit about cleft and AfS, with all proceeds going toward children’s surgeries.

Taking action can take place throughout the month of July, and you can – of course – do as little or as much as feels good to you. For us, the important thing is to raise awareness about cleft, why it’s important & life-changing for children worldwide to have access to surgeries, and how anyone can step up to help with AfS. 

Thank you for taking action this #CleftAwarenessMonth

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