Tools to Share About Cleft & AfS

Tools to Share About Cleft & AfS

There are many inspiring and informational ways to share about cleft and Alliance for Smiles during Cleft Awareness Month, and we wanted to make it easy to find some great tools to help you do just that.



Here is a sampling of our most recent Alliance for Smiles videos:

The Greatest Gift

Transforming Lives

Transforming Lives Through Rotary

Social Media

Alliance for Smiles will be hosting a month-long educational and awareness raising campaign on our social media channels, sharing the stories, challenges, and inspirational courage of many of our patients and volunteers. Please follow us and feel free to share our images and stories with your networks. You can also post directly to your social media account, using the picture above.  (click on image, then right click to save to your computer).

Here are the top spots to follow us:

Do you have a personal story, quote, or image you’d like to share for this campaign? If so, please send them to


Sharing this website is a great way to give people a direct link to learn more about the issue and what the organization is doing to make a difference. 

Thank you for checking out these resources and sharing them with your networks for Cleft Awareness Month and beyond. If you have other favorite resources or are looking for something completely different, let us know at

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